living with children in peace, joy and freedom

Life is just so exciting

Hello Gentle Readers!

There is a whole lot happening in my life at the moment and I want to let you know about it.

The BIG news is that I have finished writing my book “Being with Children in Peace, Joy and Freedom: A Book of Skills and Resources for Parents.”

After five years of not being particularly interested in my writing project my husband has finally agreed to read the book, give me his comments and correct my hopeless grammar. Once I have made a last round of corrections I will be moving full-steam into the process of publication. I am SO excited to be this close to having a book to share with you.

I have had some great discussions, feedback and encouragement through writing this blog over the last year and I am feeling inspired to continue writing about joyful parenting. I am sure I will get lots of new ideas when I start to run my face-to-face Skills for Joyful Parenting Course again. People ask such great questions and share their own unique perspectives. I am also looking forward to writing on some new topics.

In the last 6 months my experience of spiritual awakening has deepened greatly. I feel much more aligned with my true nature. Insights and understanding are flowing freely. I realise that one of the main themes of my life is to share the peace and bliss of recognising and knowing Oneness and to do so in a practical, down-to-earth way that doesn’t scare people off. There is so much dogma, fantasy and semi-religious teaching out there. I want to present what I know directly from my own experience – so no frilly bits. Enlightenment is so much more simple than I ever imagined.

The experience of awakening is very simple and yet it has so many implications for everyday life. At the moment it is calling me into a new understanding of activism, environmentalism and living sustainably. In the past I have been overwhelmed with anger, sadness, grief and powerlessness as I witnessed the dramatic changes that are taking place on our planet. I have devoted myself to environmental causes and agonised about decisions over energy use, travel and what, if anything, to buy in the supermarket. Now I find my perspective on these issues shifting and softening. What I once thought of as a harsh reality and a necessary struggle now seems more like a positive call to learn, expand and follow my passion. I now understand that my suffering over extinction, climate change, pollution and deforestation is not necessary or helpful. I feel drawn to write about this new perspective that is emerging and to share it through this blog. I hope some of you will find this relevant to your lives.

As I will be adding new categories to this blog I will also be changing the name. In fact, I will be relaunching this blog as part of a whole new website. I will be including information on courses and workshops that I will be running as well as selling my book in print and ebook formats.

While the new website and book are in production the blog will take a little rest.

I would love to know if my pattern of monthly posts works for you. I know that most bloggers write more often than this but this hasn’t happened for me yet. What do you think? Is once a month OK or do you want more?

Stay tuned for more peace, joy and freedom.

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